Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BELL - 1996-11-20

Is it not a fact that the Chief Minister's chief of staff was the subject of allegations of attempted influence over the Northern Territory Electoral Office - allegations made by a former Chief Electoral Officer in the Territory?

Mr Stone: Charlie Phillips, a member of the Labor Party.

Mr BELL: Is it not also a fact that, at the time those allegations became public, the Chief Minister refused to investigate them? Will he be referring those allegations to the Northern Territory police as part of their investigation into the illegal transfer of Territorians' private and confidential electoral information, or is his response to be as it was yesterday: `So what'?


What are you picking on Atilla the Hen for? What has she done to upset you? It is very difficult to take you seriously. If you think that is a serious allegation, why don't you go to the police? What is stopping you? You are a citizen and a member of this Chamber. Why don't you scuttle out the door, ring the police and tell them you are gravely concerned about this and that you think it should be investigated? Do I have to do everything for you? Are you like the Leader of the Opposition, who wanted me to book her airline ticket, organise her accommodation and fix up the car for her to go to Canberra for the presentation of the Remonstrance? She said she could not go because I would not help her to get there. Don't you people do anything for yourselves? If you think this is a serious allegation, go and tell the police. As for Charlie Phillips, a disgruntled former employee and a member of the Labor Party, he is a man who maintains a constant campaign against this government. Do
you think he has any credibility with me? He has absolutely none.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016