Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs HICKEY - 1996-02-20

Question 5 in the Register of Members' Interests asks members to advise the parliament of `any other substantial interests of yourself or your family of which you have knowledge, whether of a pecuniary nature or otherwise, and which you consider might appear to raise a conflict between your private interests and your public duty as a member'. In his 1993 return, Nick Dondas, the then member for Casuarina, answered `no' to this question about potential

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conflict of interest, yet further on in the questionnaire he revealed that he received a beneficial interest from Unit 40, Buffalo Court, which was owned by the North Australian Film Corporation. This company was in a consortium with the Department of Education and received a government grant from the Department of Industries and Development. It was running the Jalan Kita project in Indonesia. Mr Dondas, a member of the government, received a beneficial interest from a company that was in receipt of moneys from the government. Despite this, Nick Dondas answered `no' to question 5 about a potential for conflicts of interest. Will the Speaker investigate this matter and report to the parliament whether a breach of the Legislative Assembly Register of Members' Interests Act has occurred?


Honourable members, I will seek the information sought by the member for Barkly and report back to the Assembly at a later time.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016