Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr RIOLI - 1996-10-09

I remind him that the first 2 gold medals Australia won at the Olympics were for shooting. The federal Coalition government cut the annual grant to Recfish Australia. The Territory Country Liberal Party government has cut the annual grant to the Sporting Shooters Association. This cut will limit seriously the ability of Territory shooters to compete interstate and in the Territory. Why are this government and its federal mates so intent on cutting sports and recreation programs that have underpinned the Territory lifestyle for so many years?


Mr Speaker, the member was mumbling a bit. Did he say that the first 2 gold medals the Northern Territory won ...

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Mr Rioli: Australia won.

Mr HATTON: ... at the Olympics were in ...

Mr Rioli: Shooting.

Mr Stirling: Didn't you know that?

Mr HATTON: No, I did not actually.

Mr Stirling: As sports minister, I thought you would be a little better informed.

Mr HATTON: I have failed. I thought Nova Peris won the first gold medal for the Northern Territory, and that was in hockey.

Mr Stirling: We are talking about Australia.

Mr Bailey: You should have asked Shane. He was over there.

Mr HATTON: In respect of Recfish Australia, I am in communication with the Amateur Fishermen's Association of the Northern Territory about grants and arrangements relating to the association. In relation to the cutting of the federal sports funding for Recfish Australia, I have written to the federal minister ...

Mr Ah Kit: He is talking about shooting, Steve.

Mr HATTON: He actually raised recreational fishing.

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr HATTON: Mr Speaker, I have taken up the issue of Recfish with the federal minister and I have supported the Amateur Fishermen's Association of the Northern Territory in its attempts to have funding re-established for that. In respect of funding from the Northern Territory government, I will look at that in more specific detail, but I understand there has been no specific reduction in funding for AFANT. I will check the details of that.

Mr Bailey: Sporting shooters.

Mr HATTON: Are you saying sporting shooters?

Mr Bailey: That is what the question was about. The Recfish one was a federal cut. The specific question related to sporting shooters. Do you want him to read it again for you?

Mr HATTON: It might actually help because it was all over the place like the proverbial breakfast. I will take the question on notice, Mr Speaker.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016