Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr WOOD - 2007-05-03

My question will not be about housing; it concerns two issues related to East Arm. Over three years ago, I raised a matter in parliament about protecting part of the history of the East Arm Leprosarium. Nothing seems to have happened. Why has this taken so long and when can we expect to see the promised memorial plaque erected? With the announcement of the new boat ramp at East Arm, what will happen to the World War II Catalina flying boat site?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Nelson for his question. He has certainly been most committed to the signage, which I know has taken some time. There have been a number of delays, member for Nelson. I have kept a track of this because I have just as much interest in that as you.

After many delays, I have been advised by my department of Heritage that the documentation of a revised design has now been approved and is going forward. There were some issues and, working with DPI, we have gone through a number of those. I will keep you updated and notify you of where we are up to with the process of getting the signage done and erected. There are many old nuns who are waiting for that to go ahead as well.

With the boat ramp and the World War II Catalina site, that is still in the process as I understand. I will find out for you and inform you just where that is in the process with the Heritage Advisory Council.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016