Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs Hickey - 1996-05-22

Mrs Hickey (Opposition Leader): Mr Speaker, I move that so much of standing orders be suspended as would prevent my moving the following motion:

that this Assembly censures the Minister for Health Services for:

1. his maladministration of the Health Services Department, particularly the information technology of that department,
over many years;

2. his role in allowing service deficiencies of such an extent that Territorians suffer from errors in treatment or
sometimes fatal diagnoses;

3. his role in losing Territorians tens of millions of dollars of much-needed and deserved Commonwealth money by
providing inaccurate and incomplete information for Medicare Agreement negotiations and Grants Commission submissions; and

4. his role in spending millions of dollars of taxpayers' money on health programs that could not be tested for their
efficiency and effectiveness.

Mr COULTER (Leader of Government Business): Mr Speaker, the government accepts this as a censure motion. I ask that further questions be placed on the Notice Paper and that the broadcast be discontinued.

Motion agreed to.

Page 1409
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016