Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms CARNEY - 2007-08-21

Your government has $1.1bn more per year in the budget than it did in 2001 yet your long-term solution to child abuse and disadvantage in Aboriginal communities, which you announced yesterday, received $0.5m to expand alcohol and drug rehabilitation services in remote communities. Chief Minister, $0.5m over five years in 73 communities works out to be approximately $1300 per year per community. How is that an adequate response?


Madam Speaker, I agree with the opposition, that if that was the only response, it would be awful, really awful! However, what we have negotiated with the federal government - I believe it is $17m …

Ms Lawrie: $15.9m.

Ms MARTIN: $15.9m, so $16m, for expansion of alcohol treatment programs. We are very pleased about that, as part of this package is about working with the Commonwealth and saying: ‘This is our very important commitment, and this is where we believe the Commonwealth has a strong obligation as well’. Those areas are no mystery.

Policing: the Commonwealth has committed 50 police. We want to see that ongoing, because that means that this package produces 90 additional police into our policing across the Territory, which is very significant. Housing: if you looked at this package and said, okay, we put in an additional $100m over five years last year, we have $42m and a bit in this package, the significant contributor to housing is the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth has made early commitments with some significant funds. Our challenge is to bed those down to ensure those dollars come to the Territory for tackling the backlog we have in housing.

The other area is education. We are talking to the Commonwealth about education. A critical area is health. Primary health care in the Territory, getting GPs and medical specialists where they are not in the Territory, is a Commonwealth responsibility. There is an obligation for the Commonwealth not just to make a short–term commitment, but a long-term commitment to support us in closing the gap.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016