Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs HICKEY - 1995-08-17

On Monday afternoon, the minister told a group of Power and Water Authority workers that he was unaware of clause 35, which is titled `PAWA Employees' in the latest draft of the Northern Territory Public Sector Enterprise Bargaining Agreement. Will the minister advise whether or not he supports the continuation of the 1988 PAWA agreement on vacancies, as requested by Power and Water Authority blue collar workers?


Mr Speaker, I am well aware of the contents of clause 35. It includes discussions on moving from 3-man crews to 2-man crews. That seems to be one of the sticky issues that was of concern to the blue collar workers. In fact, they raised the matter of clause 35 with the member for Karama. That emphasises that we are having discussions with blue collar workers on an informal basis in an attempt to explain the government's position. Certainly, until a few days ago and at that meeting, we felt matters were on a positive footing. The member for Karama, myself and the member for Millner were talking to these fellows and we felt that we were getting our point of view across. At that meeting, there was some discussion about their seeing what they could do about lifting the bans, but nothing official has occurred in that regard.

Mr Stirling interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr BURKE: Members would be aware that I have supported the TLC's involvement in mediation in this dispute. Yesterday, I made statements telling the Chamber of Commerce and Industry to cool some of the statements it is making. All of this has been done with the aim of trying to maintain calm and resolve this situation. Then, in comes the member for Barkly. She rides into town with fire in her belly to take on the new minister. She intends to do her bit to sort this dispute out. However, all she has done this far is to confuse people. Following yesterday, I can say honestly that we are in a worse position than we were on the balcony a few days ago. The best advice I can give the member for Barkly is that she should stay out of it. If she stays out of it, we may be able to resolve the situation.

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! There is far too much noise. I would appreciate being able to hear the minister.

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Mr BURKE: The line she is running is that I am hell-bent on privatising PAWA and that I am working from a position of subterfuge. She has made allegations that senior officers of PAWA are intimately involved in setting up contracts and that the inevitable end result be the sacking of workers. If that is the way opposition members think this type of dispute should be resolved and that I am naive in the way I am handling it, I do not know ...

Mr Ede: We know that. We know you do not know.

Mr BURKE: Blue collar workers are genuinely fearful of losing their jobs. I do not know how many times I have to say it, but it is neither my intention nor my wish to privatise PAWA. I ask members opposite to please stay out of it.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016