Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr ELFERINK - 2001-10-24

My question comes on the tail end of his last answer. Professor Percy Allan recommended that your government implement cost-cutting measures by cutting middle and backroom administration. How, on one hand, can you continue to pursue this, and then continue to demonstrate your faith in the public service? In short, how safe, under you, are public service jobs?


Madam Speaker, I went through a little of the detail of Professor Allan’s credentials before. That does not mean to say that this government necessarily goes along with everything he puts down in the report. The answer I gave before never alluded to anything different other than that. Government and Cabinet will consider each of the proposals in the report and we will make our decisions accordingly.

I always had respect for the public sector and the roles they play - the public service, the quality, the talent, the diligence, the conscientiousness out there. I was never, never, never more impressed than in the first couple of weeks of becoming a minister of the Northern Territory government, when I saw the lengths that our public servants go to, to deliver Cabinet submissions, requests from my office for further information, and explanation of material. It is a great public sector and one that I know our predecessors were proud of. I am ever more proud of it on a daily basis, when I see the work that they perform for us as a government, and for us as individual ministers.

In relation to a middle room or backroom, it is not necessarily my view that there is that fat, within the scope of public sector agencies, to cut. Some of the changes that our predecessors made over time did go to refinements and gaining efficiencies overall in the public sector. Were I of the view that there was, I would be telling you now, it is not my view at the moment. It would take a lot to convince me otherwise. But, can I say, we believe and thoroughly endorse Professor Percy Allan’s expertise and his credentials in this matter. It does not mean that we sign off on every recommendation that he put forward in his report. We never said we would. Those matters will continue to be considered over time.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016