Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BURKE - 2004-04-01

It is interesting that the information that I am seeking is readily available, based on the Minister for Central Australia’s previous answer.

The 2003-04 budget was described by your predecessor as ‘a massive infrastructure spending budget, with $434m in cash to be pumped into the economy this financial year’. Minister, as we are now about to enter the last quarter of the budget period, what is the current situation? Will you please provide a detailed breakdown of actual cash expended to date under the headings of: capital works; minor new works; repairs and maintenance; program delivery; capital grants and PowerWater? I understand that you will not have that information or that detail in front of you, but it is clear that it is closely monitored and should be easily available. I ask that you give an undertaking that you will provide the information to the House by close of business today.


Madam Speaker, I welcome the question. I welcome the fact that the member for Brennan is the shadow minister for infrastructure. However, as he well knows, the detail that he has asked here is really a question on notice rather than a question without notice. I can assure this House that since assuming this portfolio area, I have concentrated very hard on what is being spent on capital works, and I suppose the department and PowerWater might think that I am pushing them a bit. With regard to capital works spending overall, particularly within my portfolio responsibility of DIPE, I am assured that on a project by project basis, rather than a pro rata basis, we are probably within $1m of our spend. I will not give you an undertaking, I do not promise anything I cannot deliver, member for Brennan. I do not know whether I can get you these figures by the end of the day, but I undertake to inform you.

Madam SPEAKER: And minister, of course, you will remember my little project upon Larapinta Drive you promised to give me the answer to.

Dr BURNS: Yes, you will never let me forget, Madam Speaker.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016