Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr MANZIE - 1994-11-29

Mr MANZIE (Transport and Works): Mr Speaker, when answering a question, the Leader of the Opposition asked me to apprise myself of the facts and support his motion. I believe the Leader of the Opposition has made a couple of mistakes, and I would like to refer him to some documents that will bring him up to date. He spoke about his view of what a fixed price is ...

Mr BAILEY: A point of order, Mr Speaker! My understanding of a personal explanation is that the minister is allowed to make a statement when he has been misrepresented. For him merely to stand and say that he wants to read something from annual reports or whatever in order to set the facts straight has nothing whatsoever to do with a personal explanation.

Mr Coulter interjecting.

Mr Ede interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! It may well be that the minister should give this information in the form of an answer to a question.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016