Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr GUNNER - 2014-10-29

In a report in The Australian today, Graeme Lewis, Foundation 51 director and your former Chair of the Land Development Corporation, a crucial agency for developers, admitted:
    In retrospect … I would probably have to answer that there was a conflict of interest …

In the same article, Mr Lewis also admits Foundation 51 is an associated entity of the CLP.

You have repeatedly defended the indefensible in the parliament. Two directors of Foundation 51 going to the last election were Mr Lewis and Mr Mills. Will you now stand them down from their lucrative taxpayer-funded roles? Given that everybody else has admitted the conflict of interest, why are you the only one still in denial? What does this say about your judgment? Will you admit your judgment has been clouded by the fact you were relying on Graeme Lewis to raise the funds for your next election campaign?


Madam Speaker, I have said it before and I will say again: Foundation 51 has nothing to do with the government. There is a separation of power between the government and the party. Obviously, we are all members of the Country Liberal Party on this side, but there is a separation of powers in how things are run. You know there is a separation between Foundation 51 and the Northern Territory government. We are not related entities. You keep asking …

Mr Gunner interjecting.

Mr GILES: There is no related association between the government and Foundation 51.

It is authorised under a federal statute. It is being investigated by the AEC and the Northern Territory Electoral Commission. Those two bodies should undertake their investigation and report back on what they find. If Foundation 51 has now put in a return and may consider itself an associated entity – I have not spoken to them, I am only hearing the reports – that is up to them. It is not a part of government. The NTEC is a part of government. It is holding an investigation, and I will wait to hear the findings of that report.

This is as opposed to the direct links between Labor, Harold Nelson Holdings, Unions NT, the former Lands and Planning minister, the Opposition Leader and the Stella Maris site.

Let us follow the bouncing ball. Foundation 51 is separate from government. Labor …

Ms Lawrie: Bounced into the Supreme Court on that one.

Mr GILES: … handed over …

Ms Lawrie interjecting.

Suspension of Member
Member for Karama

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, please pause. Opposition Leader, leave the Chamber for one hour, pursuant to Standing Order 240A. I made a statement I thought was quite clear yesterday morning in regard to behaviour and yelling across the Chamber by members of both sides.

Mr GILES: There is a separation between government and Foundation 51, but let us look at the other one.

Ms Fyles: Have an inquiry.

Mr GILES: Member for Nightcliff, you just do not learn. When Labor was in government, the separation was not there. They took a government asset and gave it to their union mates to be facilitated through the Harold Nelson Holdings slush fund. The pathway of connection to you is there. Foundation 51 is an organisation which has not received a government asset from us, not like when you and your minister corruptly gave a government asset …

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, please withdraw that comment about corruption.

Mr GILES: It was in the Stella Maris inquiry report.

Madam SPEAKER: Quote the report then.
Ms Anderson: Rubbish. Grub.

Mr GILES: I beg your pardon, member for Namatjira? You do not say that publicly, do you?

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Namatjira, withdraw.

Mr GILES: I withdraw, but I will find the corruption reference quote later.

Madam SPEAKER: Thank you, Chief Minister.

Mr GILES: When you were the minister you handed a government asset to your slush fund. That is what happened when you were in government. Foundation 51 is separate from government. Look in your own back yard.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016