Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms ANDERSON - 2013-10-16

Can you please inform the House about a recent award the Department of Housing won for the Webpage Case Management System it has in place to tackle antisocial behaviour and urban drift issues in the Northern Territory?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Namatjira for her question. She has had an interest in housing for many years since she has been in this parliament. I am not surprised by her interest in this matter.

It is with great pride I offer congratulations to the Department of Housing for its great work and innovation in improving safety in public housing ...

Members interjecting.

Mr CONLAN: There is a little more criticism about this I see. We know they do not like Marines, tourists, homelands and gardening competitions, and now they do not like award winning government departments. The list is endless. We even have the member for Barkly who does not trust Territorians to drive responsibly, as he said on the radio yesterday ...

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr CONLAN: The list is endless. They are the party of haters. This is a pretty simple thing.

Once again, it is an award winning government department that has won a national award. It is pretty good and worthy of at least three minutes in parliamentary Question Time. Let us have a look ...

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. I congratulate minister Burns for setting that up.

Suspension of Member
Member for Karama

Madam SPEAKER: Opposition Leader, that was a frivolous point of order. Leave the Chamber for one hour pursuant to Standing Order 240A.

Mr CONLAN: Madam Speaker, let us thank the Department of Housing before we start thanking individuals. I am happy to give Bungles the credit where it is due, but I am happy to give the department more credit because it is a wonderful initiative.

It is called Web EOC. Web EOC allows safety officers to build an electronic diary about a property which is used to assist our tenants to recognise and change their behaviour. If they do not change their behaviour or are unwilling to change, it supports our case to the Commissioner for Tenancies for an eviction.

NT Police can also access Web EOC to inform safety officers if they note issues which they consider should be known to the Department of Housing. This is helping to reduce the need for NT Police responses to housing complaints and keeping our police in their primary role of policing.

In recognition of the use of this technology to better the lives of Territorians, the Department of Housing recently received a leading innovation award from the Australasian Housing Institute. Hear, hear, a great initiative and a wonderful achievement by the Department of Housing!

To be recognised across Australia and New Zealand as an innovative agency with the social housing industry is true testament to the Department of Housing’s commitment in delivering the best service possible for all Territorians. I congratulate them on their wonderful achievement.

Mr ELFERINK (Leader of Government Business): Madam Speaker, I ask that further questions be placed on the Written Question Paper.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016