Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms FYLES - 2013-08-28

Information and communications technology, or ICT as it is commonly known, is a critical subject for our next generation. ICT for learning provides critical support to teachers in the field. In May, the ICT learning unit was down from 24 staff to seven. It now no longer exists. It was located in my electorate at Nightcliff Middle School. Why are you making cuts to ICT education and how will teachers keep pace with ICT learning requirements if you have cut the unit?


Madam Speaker, that is a really interesting question because I was there recently looking at some amazing technology - 3D printers - in the ICT Learning Centre.

The ICT Learning Centre is moving, not closing. If the member would like a briefing on what is happening with ICT, contact my office.

I have seen some amazing people there, some amazing technology, and it has nothing to do with closing ICT. Thank you.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016