Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs FINOCCHIARO - 2015-02-24

Last night we heard on the ABC TV show Q&A about the significant problem with domestic and family violence. Can you please update the House on how the Northern Territory is leading the way in addressing this violence?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for her question. The Northern Territory is leading the way in addressing domestic and family violence, and we need to as there is a significant problem in the Northern Territory with this type of violence. We heard on Q&A last night that it is almost a national emergency.

Domestic and family violence is our greatest moral challenge, perhaps one of the greatest we will face as a society. It impacts and scars not only emotionally and physically, but societally and economically. It is a pervasive cancer upon our society, one we must find a cure for.

This government has implemented a number of policies and plans to help with violence. We changed the way police deal with domestic and family violence. Police now must take action when attending incidents; perpetrators will be charged.

Then we created the first Indigenous Male Advisory Council, which provides a forum for Indigenous men to offer advice to our government on emerging trends and significant issues identified as affecting Indigenous males in the Territory.

This government has also developed the Action Against Domestic Violence Award, which will be presented to sporting clubs demonstrating an ongoing commitment to raising awareness of family violence and actively taking steps to prevent family violence within sporting clubs, and with players, fans and staff.

I am also working with the community of Galiwinku to develop a community response to prevent family violence.

The Wadeye and Mutitjulu family violence programs will consist of youth artistic activities to allow kids to talk about how family violence impacts on their lives. The programs will document young people’s stories using a combination of written word, artistic expression, song and video mediums. We have also developed a domestic and family violence reduction strategy, a victim-focused strategy which aims to create an improved and coordinated approach to reduce and prevent domestic and family violence.

Consultations are being held with women from multicultural communities. As you are aware, one of our members is passionate about multicultural affairs and was working for the Territory to make sure we look after multicultural communities. This is so they can understand the experience of domestic and family violence, along with mapping services for women with disabilities experiencing violence, and crisis counselling services in the Northern Territory. Together with the national perpetrator intervention working group …

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016