Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr KURRUPUWU - 2015-11-18

Yesterday the Chief Minister announced that one of our oldest companies, Jemena, will construct the North East Gas Interconnector pipeline between Tennant Creek and Mount Isa. Can the minister please tell the members of this House what role the Department of Business will play in helping the Territory to be a part of, and benefit from, this significant project?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for the question. I have great news for Australia, the Northern Territory and Tennant Creek. This government is about good news and delivering for the people of the Northern Territory. There will be $800m spent on the North East Gas Interconnector. It is about jobs; it will create more than 900 jobs during construction for 600 locals, and produce $112m in contracts for local businesses. It will unlock the potential of the Northern Territory for years to come.

Part of the selection criteria was, during the process, that the creation of jobs and business opportunities was paramount. The Department of Business is working with 23 business development offices, Indigenous organisations and local organisations, the Business in the Bush program and with the services delivered by the department and the government to help local businesses get those jobs.

In saying that, as the Minister for Business it is my aim to ensure this major construction achievement translates to the utmost benefit for the entire Northern Territory community. I urge Territory businesses to register with the Industry Capability Network and ensure their full capabilities are detailed in their ICN profile. This is a fantastic opportunity to work with those at Jemena. They have committed to working with ICN and utilising the Industry Capability Network gateway to identify local businesses.

The Department of Business will also work with Territory businesses and industry associations to maximise local benefits and support Territory businesses to win work. The department will provide access to its full suite of services to achieve this. These services are designed to assist local businesses to start, run and grow, and include the Business Growth program, training programs, the Aboriginal Employment Initiatives program and access to our team of business development officers.

This is a nation building project that will deliver real jobs. That is what this government is about. It is not about promising things; it is about delivering real jobs with no burden to the taxpayer. Not a dollar from the taxpayer is going in, except for the support of Territory businesses to ensure they are well-equipped.

As the Minister for Employment and Training I am also very excited about the opportunities that will arise from the North East Gas Interconnector. Something we talk about on this side of politics is the future generations, and jobs for our kids, grandkids and those to follow. Not only will this project empower the nation, but it will empower future generations and the economy of the Northern Territory for years to come.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016