Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BARRETT - 2014-05-07

Earlier this year it became apparent that the Department of Education did not have a clear policy on the handling of allegations of sexual misconduct against teaching staff. This led to questions being raised about the handling of accusations dating back to 2005. Can the minister update the Assembly on his commitment to implement a new policy to handle these serious allegations?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Blain for his important question. He has an interest in education and the welfare of children in the Northern Territory.

I was very concerned, not only as the Minister for Education, but as a father, to discover there was no clear and concise policy to handle allegations of sexual misconduct in our schools. For this reason, I ordered my department to immediately begin work on developing a new policy which will ensure all allegations are handled correctly and will make our schools safer. The new student wellbeing allegations or sexual misconduct against children and young people policy was developed and approved in March. The new policy addresses gaps in the formal recording and reporting of all incidents and ensures involvement of all stakeholders, including Northern Territory Police, the Department of Children and Families, the Teacher Registration Board and all relevant areas within the Education department.

What is more important is how this policy is carried out and practiced through staff in our schools. It does not matter what you write as a policy; unless there are decent and robust processes, it means naught. Through mandatory reporting training, which takes place in schools each semester, all school staff will be made aware of the new policy and trained in their obligations and responsibilities for children’s safety.

Training material, checklists and flowcharts will be provided through this training so all staff are equipped to respond correctly if an allegation is put to them. The message needs to be put that behaviour of this sort will not be tolerated. I do not want to marginalise education staff, quite the opposite. I am asking for their help. I need administration staff, teachers and principals to be diligent and on the lookout. People who do not have the safety of our children as their highest priority are not welcome in our schools.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016