Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr KURRUPUWU - 2016-05-25

The Northern Territory Budget 2016-17 has set the agenda to support the future education and training of Territorians through the Knowledge Territory initiative. Can you please outline how the forward-focused initiative will ensure Territorians have access to the highest-quality education and upskill programs and services, putting them into the greatest possible position to gain employment and enjoy prosperity.


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for his timely question; I can continue dealing with some of the issues the member for Barkly raised.

We have a plan for creating jobs, as opposed to the wrecking ball the Leader of the Opposition has. The member for Braitling, our Chief Minister, last year committed all the royalties from onshore gas to increase employment through education and training, VET and higher education subsidies and scholarships. There is anything between $430m and $460m a year coming in from the onshore gas industry.

There are 6300 jobs. Let us talk about some of those jobs. We have an opposition which refuses to read the science. All their Labor mates around the country read the science. In fact, the person who brought this to the fore and made sure the science is correct is a Labor person. Why will you not read the science? No one says, ‘We have read it and we disagree with it’. The science is out. So long as you frack gas in a regulated environment – and we will have one of the toughest regulated environments in the world for shale gas, which is not coal seam gas.

This is a really important matter the member for Arafura has raised. It really gets up my nose that these people pretend they will create jobs; they will destroy thousands of jobs. My children and my grandchildren live in the Territory and we are not going anywhere. I take this stuff personally, not just as a member of parliament representing my constituents.

I go back to the jobs and traineeships the member for Barkly raised. Agribusiness, gas and minerals – we know about gas and minerals. The gas is not happening. Here is your motion that went to your ALP annual conference in February:
    … Territory Labor will implement a moratorium covering all unconventional gas prospecting, exploration and extraction activities that will continue …
The Leader of the Opposition slipped and let the figure five out. We assume that is five years – five years with no gas. Mr Geoffrey Cann from Deloitte, one of the world’s leading gas experts, will tell you that if we miss the boat now that investment will go elsewhere. The Labor governments in Queensland and South Australia are courting those gas producers to go to their states. Why would the Leader of the Opposition have a moratorium when his counterparts in South Australia and Queensland are welcoming the investment, the billions of dollars and the 6300-plus jobs? What a disgrace you are.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016