Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs FINOCCHIARO - 2015-08-27

Last week you visited the beautiful Tiwi Islands with the 2015 Australian of the Year, Rosie Batty, and discussed the serious topic of domestic violence against women. Rosie’s story reflects on a lifetime of domestic violence on a horrific scale, and I am sure members in this House are aware of her story and the tragic circumstances of her 11-year-old son Luke, who was killed by his father.

You have also been faced with many challenges in your life and are a champion for saying enough is enough when it comes to domestic violence and abuse in the Northern Territory and our remote communities.

Can you please detail to the House some of the feedback you received while on the Tiwi Islands, and what the Northern Territory government is doing to address this issue, which can affect anyone at any time?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Drysdale for her question. This is a very important issue we must all tackle together.

I thank my colleague, the member for Arafura, Francis Kurrupuwu, for welcoming and accompanying us in his community last week. Last Tuesday we went to Milingimbi. The women made us very welcome because there are some serious issues they face on the Tiwi Islands which they wanted to talk to us about. We invited the 2015 Australian of the Year, Rosie Batty, who was visiting the Northern Territory. She was made welcome by the Women’s Affairs office and was very appreciative. I showed her a community in the Northern Territory where women face these issues every day.

Together we viewed firsthand the strong and active Women’s Centre on the islands, where strong and talented women sew, print and produce amazing textile arts. We went to the Munupi Art Centre, and we were grateful the member was there to accompany us. If you have a chance to visit Munupi Art Centre, which is wholly owned by Indigenous people, it is a great place where women can sit and talk amongst themselves and be safe.

We also visited the women’s health centre, where we held a meeting with women in the community who indicated to us that domestic and family violence is a concern in the community. They also raised the point that violence takes many forms, including financial control, intimidation and verbal or physical abuse. It saddened me to find out there is no safe house or shelter in the community, but we will try to assist them moving forward.

Regardless of what you think of this side of politics, we are miles ahead of those opposite. We consult and listen, and understand that many women see domestic and family violence as a very private matter. We must encourage women to stand up, be heard and be strong against dysfunction, abuse and neglect.

I enjoyed my time on the Tiwi Islands and congratulate the women who provided a supportive framework.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016