Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BARRETT - 2016-02-11

The Opposition Leader and shadow Business minister has announced that he intends to restructure the Department of Business. He said the restructure would include creating a unit that focuses on small business. What does this tell Territorians about the shadow Business minister?


Madam Speaker, I thank the honourable member for his question. This tells me that the Opposition Leader does not know what he is talking about, and clearly is not across his shadow portfolio of Business.

The shadow Business minister wants to create a unit that already exists. This is coming from the Leader of the Opposition, the shadow Business minister, who, when he organised portfolios, forgot about business. Was it in the front of his mind? It was not even in the back of his mind. He does not even know that business exists. It astounds me that the shadow Business minister …

Mr Giles: He never worked in business before.

Mr STYLES: That is true. The shadow Business minister did not know this.

For those members opposite, over two-thirds of the people on this side of the House have owned or operated a business. They have not worked for a business, but owned or operated businesses, so there is business experience on this side of the House. I threw that out as an opportunity for the Opposition Leader to say ‘Yes, I have people with business experience’, but they do not think about it, nor do they want the portfolio.

Because of that, the Leader of the Opposition picks up the CLP’s policy and launches it as his own. It is a clear endorsement of what we are doing; there is no clearer endorsement.

For the edification of those opposite who do not worry about business too much, Business NT initiatives support small and medium enterprises as well as not-for-profit organisations, which people on this side of the House have been fully involved in.

I talk to my colleagues about this. They talk to business people and SMEs and bring information back. We also talk to big business and we take it seriously …

Members interjecting.

Mr STYLES: They do not like hearing this, as you can hear by the level of interjections. They never like good news.

It is great that you endorse our policy.

Let us look at some of the things we have been doing over the last financial year.

Ms WALKER interjecting.

Mr STYLES: I note the continual interjections by the member for Nhulunbuy, who has all this business experience. I asked her the other day if she had ever owned or operated a business. I still do not have an answer, but I am happy to take one. I am happy to be corrected by any member on the other side who can tell me they have any idea what they are talking about.

This financial year 15 introductions to business workshops have been held in 15 major remote communities, with 123 participants. That was as at 15 December. There were 51 grant applications received for Aboriginal workforce initiative grants.

The shadow minister for Business should stop talking down business and find out what the Department of Business has done, instead of paying attention to what is happening in his portfolio. I am happy to give him a briefing any time he wants.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016