Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs FINOCCHIARO - 2014-08-27

Palmerston is a strong and growing community which highly values our unique Territory lifestyle. Can you advise the House of recent actions taken by Palmerston MLAs and our government to improve amenity for Palmerston families and fishers on the Elizabeth River jetty?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Drysdale and other members from Palmerston for the fantastic job they do in lobbying the department and me for good quality infrastructure there, for the use of everyone in the community. They are always examining what is required by the public, especially regarding fishing.

Fishing is a great family activity. So many families who live in the coastal areas have boats. We have the highest proportion of boats in the country. Let us look at those who contribute to our community, do not have a boat and need to take the family somewhere on weekends.

We have a fantastic facility at the Elizabeth River jetty. Due to the lobbying of the members, AFANT and a few others, we have some nice shade structures there. There is nothing like taking the kids there to have a picnic lunch. It is the sort of thing my mum did with me; she used to take me fishing when I was little. We would have a picnic lunch and spend a day catching some fish - not to mention the great fish on the table in the evening.

I asked the Department of Infrastructure to look at what could be done there, and it came up with a fantastic plan. I am pleased to advise the House we have now installed two fantastic new shade structures which, I am reliably informed by the member for Drysdale, have been gratefully received by the fishos who frequent the jetty. It is positive feedback we have received about these initiatives.

These are some of the little things. The Chief Minister talked this morning about the big things, such as those coming down the pipeline, excuse the pun. There are some fantastic big things.

We, as a government, are getting on with the little things. It is the little things that count. For a family that may not be able to go camping at the weekend – they might not have a trailer or even a car - we are putting in new bike paths to connect Palmerston and these facilities. We will get on with doing that job providing some fantastic infrastructure.

It is another example of the Giles government listening to the wishes of local people and delivering. As Territorians, we love our fishing, and we want to provide the amenities to make it more comfortable, so you do not have to worry about the kids being in the sun and other issues. These are the little things that count, not only to the people of Palmerston but Darwin as well. For people who want to go to that area to fish, great amenities have been provided by a proactive government which is listening to the people and producing things in a reliable and financially responsible manner.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016