Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr WESTRA van HOLTHE - 2016-04-20

Yesterday I was bemused and highly amused to hear the Opposition Leader use the term ‘diversifying the economy’ on Darwin local radio, and Labor’s plans to look after certain industry sectors. The statement made by the Leader of the Opposition was completely at odds with everything we have heard from him and with his wrecking-ball approach to the economy, and his intent to kill the cattle, petroleum and horticultural industries through the announcements he has made.

Can the Chief Minister please provide an update on what steps are being taken to diversify the Territory economy?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Katherine for his question. I know you have been a firm supporter of diversifying the Territory economy. I also know you have seen, firsthand, what we inherited on 25 August 2012. When we came to government there was INPEX and nothing else. What we did have was high debt, deficit, cost of living, petrol prices and housing prices, and no other industry support.

Many will remember that the cattle industry had just been killed by Labor at the Territory and federal level. Labor did not support horticulture; it would not issue scientifically proven water licences or support the mining industry.

We produced a framework of how we would strive for economic development. It focuses on four key areas: a prosperous economy; a strong society; a confident culture; and a balanced environment. Those four key pillars will drive the Northern Territory forward.

We sought to diversify our economy through our economic development strategy, focusing on seven key areas: energy; minerals; tourism; agribusiness; international education and training; Defence; and the offshore supply service. In each of those industries we have been rebuilding the economy.

We developed a stable growth strategy for the energy sector around petroleum and gas. We have seen minerals development in the Northern Territory, creating jobs like never before. Our tourism industry has rebounded from more than 10-year lows, where the tourists stopped coming to the Northern Territory – Uluru, Kakadu, the whole NT – domestically and internationally. We have turned that around.

We now have a Defence strategy for the Northern Territory that will see more than $20bn worth of investments into the Territory from a Defence point of view.

We are building things like a shiplift facility, which will ensure we can service and supply the offshore shipping vessels for the offshore gas industry.

We also have an approach for international education that has never before been supported in the Territory.

I was also bemused, member for Katherine, to hear the Leader of the Opposition, someone who was not good enough to be a minister in the Labor government, talking about diversifying the economy. This Labor team would not know jack about diversifying the economy, let alone being able to manage a budget to support that diversification.

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016