Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BARRETT - 2015-11-18

Reactions are important. We saw reactions from media and the Australian Financial Review, which was fantastic. We have seen a reaction from the people on the other side of the floor, which was less than fantastic, was derogatory and brought people down. Can you please outline what the reaction has been from other key stakeholders to yesterday’s announcement about the North East Gas Interconnector?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Blain for his question. Yesterday I was pleased to announce that Jemena has been selected to construct and operate the North East Gas Interconnector pipeline to connect the Northern Territory to the rest of this nation, making a truly national grid.

The reaction to the government’s announcement about this nation-building project has been extremely positive. This is an historic occasion for our nation. The Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association issued a media release yesterday describing the NEGI as a pipeline of opportunity. APPEA’s Chief Executive, Malcolm Roberts, said:
    By stimulating gas exploration and production in remote areas of the NT it will help deliver tangible, long-term job opportunities in regional centres and indigenous communities.

Dr Roberts also said the pipeline:
    … promises to deliver real benefits for the nation as well as the Northern Territory.

I spoke to Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk yesterday morning and she was supportive, but the Queensland government has been positive about the announcement and the impact it will have on jobs and critical energy supplies it will provide, particularly to the state’s north-west. In a media release issued yesterday, the Queensland State Development minister, Dr Anthony Lynham, said:
    … the broader benefit of this pipeline would be the potential to place downward pressure on gas and power prices, reducing operating costs for existing companies and future industry participants.

Mount Isa Mayor Tony McGrady also welcomed the announcement saying:
    This is terrific news for our region because it means jobs …

The Business Council of Australia’s Chief Executive, Jennifer Westacott, told The Australian the NEGI could:
    … support greater interconnection and liquidity within Australia’s gas markets.

The Incitec Pivot Chairman, Mr Paul Brasher, said the long-term gas supply agreement, with the Power and Water Corporation and the pipeline development, was a step change in the continuing development of northern Australia. Mr Brasher said:
    This project will play a major role in the future development of Northern Australian agriculture, and in continuing to build a food source for Australia and Asia over the next decade.

The gas pipeline will generate investment in regional infrastructure. It will deliver jobs, roads, bridges, telecommunications and services to all Territorians, but especially regional and remote Territorians. Yesterday, in regard to the pipeline, was a good day for Australia. It was a good day for the Northern Territory, Tennant Creek and Territorians. When the royalties flow into the VET and higher education sector you will see smarter Territorians with better access to opportunities. This is great for our kids and future.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016