Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MANISON - 2015-02-24

The member for Araluen said:
    Adam Giles is not the legitimate leader of this government. No vote has been taken in the parliamentary wing since 2 February 2015. Willem Westra van Holthe remains the anointed leader based on that vote …
    The truth is on 3 February Adam Giles threatened his way into remaining leader in the subsequent parliamentary wing meeting. He threatened to bring the government down and take us to an early election just 22 days ago rather than conceive he lost support of nine of the 14 members of the parliamentary wing.

Is your position not completely untenable? How can you refuse to resign? When will the member for Katherine, the anointed leader, be sworn in as Chief Minister?


Madam Speaker, the member for Katherine is Deputy Chief Minister and I am having a great time working with him in that role. Things are working quite well. We have a plan of what we are doing in the Northern Territory and are keen to work on it. Despite different times and challenges, we have the ability to respond. Look at Cyclone Lam, its impact on many Territorians and the ability of government to respond and coordinate our efforts to assure people’s safety and put in place a recovery effort. We will continue to do that.

I am happy working with the member for Katherine in some of his portfolio areas. The most notable recent event in Primary Industries is Seafarms announcing a $1.45bn project to farm prawns at Legune Station. What an opportunity to grow jobs in the Northern Territory.

Children in school now can have jobs in the future. This is what the member for Katherine, in his ministerial role, is delivering and it is a fantastic outcome. These things will continue to roll out. While we might face challenges at times, we can still respond and meet the needs of Territorians.

Where Tropical Cyclone Lam impacted the Northern Territory …

Mr GUNNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. The question was specific. When will the member for Katherine be sworn in as Chief Minister?

Madam SPEAKER: The Chief Minister has three minutes to answer the question.

Mr GILES: We had a fantastic response to the impending crisis with ex-Tropical Cyclone Lam bearing down on Territory shores and its islands. We put in place the best risk management process we could to ensure people’s safety. Once again, we congratulate and thank those who put their efforts into ensuring everybody’s safety.

We now move to the recovery stage, where we are working together across many agencies to ensure people have an improved level of amenity during this time – where we can have a rebuild and reconstruction effort in those community areas. The Department of the Chief Minister will take on a coordinating role, working with each agency to ensure we have a coordinated effort in the rebuilding task as it ventures across Galiwinku, Elcho Island, Gapuwiyak, Milingimbi, Ramingining and the Arnhem Land outstations. I look forward to working with the member for Katherine now and into the future.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016