Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2014-08-28

The disgraced member for Fong Lim, by all accounts, is holding your government to ransom with threats that he will resign from the parliament if not reinstalled as Deputy Chief Minister next Monday. Territorians are disgusted with your culture of cover-up. They watched for days as you defended his homophobic rant …

Statement by Speaker
Behaviour in Chamber

Madam SPEAKER: Opposition Leader, please pause. Honourable members, it has been a busy two weeks and I know things are a little testy. It is the last day of sittings, but I will not tolerate offensive language or any sign language from one side to the other. Member for Namatjira, I saw that. If it is done again you will be on a warning.

Ms LAWRIE: Territorians watched for days as you defended his homophobic rant, exposed because of leaks from your colleagues. Will you rule out the return of Dave Tollner as Deputy Chief Minister?

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, you may wish to answer the question if you choose, but it is more of a political party matter. It is up to you.


Madam Speaker, I will let it go.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016