Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LEE - 2014-10-30

It has been recently reported the NT tourism department will not help fund a recognised Northern Territory entry into the world famous Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, as it is not in line with the Territory brand. Madam Speaker, I seek leave to table an article from the NT News.

Leave granted.

Ms LEE: By not supporting the gay and lesbian community what message are you sending out? Where does the gay and lesbian community stand in the tourism brand?


Madam Speaker, the gay and lesbian community is very important to the tourism brand. We supplied a full-time staff member through Major Events for the Outgames. The Department of Sport, Recreation and Racing contributed some $30 000 towards the Outgames. We know the gay and lesbian community is generally high-yielding, so they are a very important market for Tourism NT. That can be put to bed for starters.

Under no circumstances is Tourism NT, or anyone in the Northern Territory government, homophobic. The allegation is nothing more than a monumental dummy spit by the person involved, and to be reported in such a way was a degrading insult to everyone in the Northern Territory government and the public service. With regard to this particular …

Ms LEE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. I am not asking you about a homophobic slur; I am asking you about the gay community. Where is the government supporting them?

Mr CONLAN: I just highlighted a number of examples of how the Northern Territory government supports all sectors of the community to come and enjoy the product and experience we have in the Northern Territory. All sectors and all community members are encouraged to come to the Northern Territory, not only the gay and lesbian community and not only certain sections of the community, but everyone. The Northern Territory government and Tourism NT market the Northern Territory as a preferred holiday and business events destination above all others, to all members of the community, not just one section.

In regard to this issue you have raised, it was a two-paragraph proposal; the choice of words possibly could have been tidied up. It was high-level marketing speak to suggest it did not align with brand NT. That is all it was. We have high-level experts working in Tourism NT with large marketing backgrounds. They were using high-end marketing speak to respond to that. Clearly, it was misrepresented and misunderstood, and resulted in a monumental dummy spit that was a degrading slur on everyone in the Northern Territory government, public service and, in this case, particularly Tourism NT.

If this gentleman in question would like to put in a solid, thoughtful, considered proposal for funding, it will be looked at. On most occasions, Tourism NT does not fund projects or provide funding for projects outside of the Northern Territory. This is a one-off event. The Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, as big as it may be, is a one-off event and the value we receive back is, on face value, not considered enough to support.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016