Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BARRETT - 2015-03-24

On a brighter note regarding the positive and wonderful things happening in the Northern Territory, can you please outline for the Assembly the latest advice the government has received about Australian Defence Force investments planned for the Territory?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Blain for his question. He and his Palmerston-based colleagues are very supportive of Defence in the Northern Territory, as are we all. I want to make it clear that we have a significant plan to support Defence in the Northern Territory moving forward.

It was fantastic to welcome the Operation Slipper parade on Saturday which went through the CBD to the Cenotaph. I note the Leader of the Opposition was not there, but it was good to see Operation Slipper recognise the 34 000 Australian troops who fought in Afghanistan defending the rights, liberties and freedom of the nation and the Northern Territory. More than 400 Territory-born personnel participated in Operation Slipper, and many more rotated through Darwin or the Territory before, during or after the operation. It was fantastic to see and we pay thanks to the families of those who participated in Operation Slipper.

Our program and plans for Defence in the Territory include Darwin, Katherine and Central Australia. We talk about opportunities in regional and remote areas and those conversations will continue. Most notably, people know Mount Bundy Station and Bradshaw Station as examples, but we want to see that go further.

Regarding some of the expenditure we have extrapolated from the federal government, more than $600m worth of construction projects will be entertained, including the following: $474m for facilities to support the new Joint Strike Fighter in the member for Katherine’s electorate at RAAF Base Tindal; $53m for construction of new married quarters at RAAF Base Darwin; $60m for pavement upgrade works at Tindal and Darwin; $10m for flood mitigation works at RAAF Base Darwin; $6m for high-voltage power supply upgrades to Shoal Bay Receiving Station; and there are more projects are on the horizon. There is a significant amount of projects, including the $18m East Arm multiuser barge ramp facility, which is pending Defence approval.

The future looks bright for investment. As a government we are ensuring we have the capability and capacity within industry to tender for these. We have advanced some projects, most notably in Katherine, so at the back of INPEX’s build up we will have a flow-on of the workforce into some of those projects.

We will have more to say on this, but the plan the Country Liberals has for Defence expenditure is astronomical. Making sure jobs stay in the Territory is one of the most important aspects of that.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016