Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BARRETT - 2015-09-17

I note with excitement that a tender was awarded for a new special education school to be built in the ever-growing region of Palmerston in Bellamack, which happens to be in the electorate of Blain. Can you please inform the House of the benefits this will have for Territory families.


Mr Deputy Speaker, I thank the member for Blain for his great question. There will be many excited parents knowing we have announced today that Sunbuild is the successful tenderer to build the $21.35m special needs school in Bellamack. The school is currently unnamed, but we will have a competition at some stage in the future to find a good …

Mr Wood: The Nathan Barrett school?

Mr CHANDLER: No, it might be the Wood school or something like that.

It is good to see a local company has won this contract.

Mr Giles: You could call it the surplus school because it is paid out of surplus, not debt.

Mr CHANDLER: Surplus school, right. This is exciting; it is 84 new places. I commend the previous government for building a new Nemarluk School. As most people know, Nemarluk on Bagot Road was an old structure and it was run down. It has turned around today; it is used for a different purpose and is a great space. But as a special needs school it was outdated and the previous government had committed to it.

Sadly, many students spend over an hour on buses from the rural area and Palmerston to get to Nemarluk. The new school being constructed at Bellamack will provide another opportunity for them.

There will be parents who choose to continue at Nemarluk, and good luck to them; it is a great school. Those who decide to send their children to the new school at Bellamack will not have to endure the long trip every day going out to Nemarluk. It will also free up some spaces at Nemarluk, and we know many students would like to go there.

We have some great special needs schools across the Territory. I have full confidence in Sunbuild constructing this school. The works will start almost immediately and it will be opened in the first term of 2017.

The construction will include the following: three general learning areas consisting of 24 classrooms; withdrawal and teacher preparation areas; a hydrotherapy pool and associated change rooms; a multipurpose hall; specialised outdoor learning areas; covered drop-off areas for buses and parents; an administration building; and security for access control of all doors throughout the school.

We on this side of the House take education seriously. The new special education school in Palmerston adds to the growing list of schools assisting students with disabilities. We have Nemarluk School, Henbury School, Kintore Street School and Acacia Hill School.

This is great news for special education in the Territory as we continue to meet these needs in a growing area. It should be resourced and I am proud to be part of a government which has put the resources into this important area.

Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016