Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs FINOCCHIARO - 2016-05-24

As the House knows, Territorians will go to the polling booths to elect a Northern Territory government in August in perhaps the most important election in a decade. Can the Chief Minister outline to the House the choices facing Territorians in the context of the economy and today’s budget, and is he aware of any alternatives?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Drysdale for her question. Quite clearly there is a choice and an opportunity on 27 August this year. It is a choice about moving forward with development, jobs, building our community and investment in health, education and a diversified economy where there are jobs across a range of industries, or going backwards to the old Labor way of education funding cuts, which those on the other side are already proposing. They are proposing cuts to health, the horticulture industry, the agriculture industry and the gas industry.

When we came to government we had a major job of paying back Labor debt, fixing the deficit and diversifying the economy. That is what we have been doing to date. Today’s budget sets the blueprint for how the Territory will continue to grow.

If the decision is made to go to Labor, we know we will be facing debt and deficit, there will be significant challenges in the private sector and the cattle, horticulture and gas industries will be killed. We know that Labor does not have an economic plan.

The question from the member for Drysdale was about choices in August this year. There will be a choice: do you want to go down the path with hard decisions that produce job security and opportunities for Territorians, a path that builds our communities in the Northern Territory, or the path that goes back to the old ways where we had the Berrimah line and issues in remote communities where people were living in more poverty and misery rather than with the growth opportunities they have now, an environment that was decimated by debt and deficit under the Labor government, which never valued pathways for Territorians.

Never before have we had this opportunity at our doorstep of moving forward. If the Territory decides to go backwards, so be it. It will go backwards under Labor.

The blueprint spelled out in our budget is a blueprint for growth in education, health and our economy to make sure there is job security going ahead. I call on Territorians to read the budget. It is the best budget we have delivered in the last four years. It is an opportunity to secure growth into the future. I commend the Treasurer and our parliamentary team for a fantastic budget to put the Territory on the right path.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016