Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr WOOD - 2013-02-13

On 6 November last year, the government shut down the incinerator at the port. In your media release you said alternative arrangements for the waste were being established. The waste is being stored and arrangements are being made for it to be sealed and sent to South Australia. You also said the Territory receives about one container of biohazard waste from international aircraft and ships every day. This means there should be at least 14 containers somewhere.

Could you say if the waste is being stored in containers; how many containers are there; where are they being stored; has any of the waste been buried and, if so, where; and has any of the waste been shipped to South Australia?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Nelson for his question. You were right to read off that media release. It is a very sensitive issue. I explained to the Chamber last sittings the issue around the incinerator at East Arm Wharf. The situation was what I would describe as an unsafe environment as declared by the EPA.

The previous Labor government sought extensions of two years on a number of occasions to try to get another licence for the East Arm incinerator. It was granted that without trying to provide a long-term solution. Upon coming into government we identified …

Ms Lawrie: Not true.

Mr GILES: It is true and I will produce the evidence. On coming into government, we identified that as being a significant issue. I immediately, once I identified the issues around dioxins and so forth, shut the incinerator down.

We sought approval from the federal government to provide an alternative measure. There was a time frame it had to be completed in. We met that time frame. Veolia now has a solution to that, and I am more than happy to provide you a briefing about where the waste is going now.

There is a solution. It is not being stored; it is not being buried. The solution has been provided. I am happy to give you a full detailed briefing on that if you like.

Mr Wood: Can I ask, Madam Speaker, is that public information?

Mr GILES: I am happy to come back into the Chamber tomorrow and make an announcement or put a release out; it is all public information. It has not been announced but the solution has been provided. I am happy to give you that, and I am happy to come back tonight and make an adjournment about all that information for you.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016