Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BARRETT - 2015-02-24

Getting back to the people of the Northern Territory, who put us in here so we can do the right thing for them, it is a great privilege to be here.

In 2014, the Country Liberals made an announcement of $50m from the proceeds of TIO towards flood mitigation in the Northern Territory. The Giles government promised two committees would be formed in the Katherine and Darwin areas, and that it would develop strategies to improve community safety, as well as reduce the damage, disruption and costs associated with major flood events.

Can you please update the House on the progress of this commitment to the people of the Northern Territory?


Madam Speaker, from this side of the House it is good news. We know those on the other side do not like good news, but I am here to bring some. The Giles government made a commitment in November last year, to form Flood Mitigation Advisory Committees, which will see a spending of $50m. The current opposition did not do this when in government, but we have made it happen. There is $25m towards flood mitigation in Rapid Creek and the Darwin rural areas, and $25m for Katherine. The goal of these committees is to guide the development of strategies, which will improve community safety and reduce damage, disruption and costs associated with major flood events.

The first Katherine Flood Mitigation Advisory Committee meeting was held by the Deputy Chief Minister on 13 February; my colleague, the member for Katherine, is the committee Chair. I am pleased to confirm the Darwin flood committee met for the first time today. Presentations were provided by the Department of Land Resource Management and the Northern Territory Planning Commission to better understand existing mapping, historical flood mitigation reports and land use planning. It was an excellent presentation.

Flood mitigation is expensive work that no government has been willing to do before. I am pleased to say these two committees are fulfilling the promises of the Giles government. We are about governing the Territory for the benefit of the people of the Northern Territory. Both committees have met to cover the work plan for the next few months, and they have agreed to focus on immediate, short-, medium- and long-term flood mitigation action.

I will highlight some of the immediate outcomes. The committees recommend that funding be made available to commission new topography and flood mapping to model the Katherine region. The Department of Lands, Planning and the Environment is providing revised options for a new commercial centre and relocation of the ambulance centre, as part of the Katherine Land Use Plan.

The Country Liberal Party wants to reduce the impact of flooding. Public consultation will commence soon, and we are calling for ideas from the community to provide us with anecdotal evidence and suggested topics for the committees to explore. Within the coming months, a report will be drafted and a second opportunity for comment will be given, including public meetings, before submitting a final report for government consideration.

The Giles government knows Territorians want to have the right to contribute. Both committees want residents, business owners and the broader community to get in touch with the department of Lands and Planning. Just as every flood is different, the impact of flood is different on every residence.

I congratulate the Darwin committee members for their time and work in gathering information from their respective communities. It is apparent the department has some excellent resources to work on.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016