Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HIGGINS - 2014-03-20

What is being done to ensure one of the Territory’s fastest growing regions has the educational infrastructure it needs, especially for the crucial early years?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Daly for his question. I acknowledge his commitment to early education, which this government has continued to make a priority as we seek to improve educational outcomes.

In 2014, we invested an extra 63 teachers in the early years because we recognise it is where you need to build a solid base to foster learning for later in life. This decision was met with anger and endless rhetoric from those opposite, who refuse to divorce themselves from a failed education system, of which they are the architects. As we continue to invest in the early years, I was proud to announce this morning …

Mr Giles: Nathan Barrett.

Mr CHANDLER: Yes, Nathan Barrett in Blain, who will do a fabulous job. As we continue in early years, this government will invest $1.2m in the expansion of the Rosebery preschool to increase the capacity by 44 places. This expansion will double the existing infrastructure, while also adding new landscaping and play areas. This announcement comes after last year’s commitment to a similar expansion at Durack preschool for another 44 places. In total, this is an additional 88 preschool places in the Territory’s fastest growing region, which will continue to grow. There is 52% of Palmerston residents under 30 and 10% are under five, so preschool is an area high on my agenda as well as this government’s.

We have committed to building the Palmerston child and family centre in Farrar, which will deliver 50 new childcare places. Last week, I announced the NT government will take ownership of the Moulden and Gray childcare centres from the City of Palmerston. This decision will secure affordable and community-minded childcare centres for some of the most disadvantaged areas of our community. We have a great Country Liberals team in Palmerston and I look forward to working with our candidate for the forthcoming Blain by-election to keep the best interests of Palmerston well represented in parliament.

Labor, on the other hand, could not be bothered to find someone who lives in the electorate, let alone Palmerston. They have the man from Moil, who would not know the water park from the water tank. It shows the contempt Labor has for the people of Palmerston. They did not plan for Palmerston while in government and they have no plan for Palmerston now.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016