Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms ANDERSON - 2014-08-27

There are widespread reports that your former Deputy Chief Minister, whom you have yet to replace, has been arrogantly blabbering to his business mates that he will return to his role in the next few weeks. Can you rule out a comeback by Dave Tollner to the Deputy Chief Minister position?

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, the question is directed more to the political side of the party. You may choose to answer it or not.


Madam Speaker, I am happy to answer. We expect, next Monday, to elect a new Deputy Chief Minister. All 12 members on this side of the Chamber would like to put their hand up to be Deputy Chief Minister. It is a fantastic opportunity for anybody who wants to be part of a team which is driving significant reform in the Northern Territory. I have already gone through the mid-term progress report - or parts thereof - where we talk about what we are doing in the Northern Territory, and I expect in politics everybody wants to achieve the highest office, to put their stamp on how they want to change the Northern Territory. That is a healthy and vibrant thing for any politician across the nation.

Madam SPEAKER: L’Honorables Membres, je rserve un accueil chaleureux Monsieur et Madame Chevastelle la galerie de la Speaker, qui sont venus de France et qui s'intressent aux systmes de parlements, en particulier au systme de Westminster.

Monsieur et Madame Chevastelle, soyez les bienvenus au parlement du Nord d'Australie, et j'espre que vous apprcierez votre temps avec nous aujourd'hui.

Members: Hear, hear!

Madam SPEAKER: For the benefit of Hansard, there is a translation on its way.

Mr Elferink: What about for the benefit of our guests, Madam Speaker?

Madam SPEAKER: For the benefit of guests, I said, ‘Welcome to the Speaker's gallery two special visitors from France Mr and Mrs Chevastelle who have an active interest in parliamentary systems, in particular the Westminster system.

Welcome and I hope you enjoy your time here today’.

Members: Hear, hear!

Madam SPEAKER: Diem Tang, the Chief Financial Officer of the Department of the Legislative Assembly, will help with translation. Welcome also to their son, Jo, and his partner, Javi.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016