Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr CONLAN - 2016-05-24

The Country Liberal government has introduced sweeping reforms to procurement processes in favour of local businesses through the Buy Local plan. It has slashed red tape to make it easier to do business in the Territory and worked hard to diversify the economy and stimulate activity across a variety of sectors.

Can you please explain how the new Home Improvement Scheme, announced in Budget 2016-17 by the Treasurer this morning, will ensure that Territory tradies have more work, small businesses have more business and homeowners save money on improvements to their homes and properties.


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for his question. I note that the Leader of the Opposition is laughing at the plan. Flattery is great, and the Leader of the Opposition has simply copied our business plan. What a fantastic plan; that is a resounding endorsement.

I ask anyone in the press listening to pick up our plan and then look at Labor’s plan. They did not even bother changing the paragraphs around; it is exactly the same. I picked it up and thought, ‘Well, that is a resounding endorsement of what we are doing’.

I have asked this House before, who has business experience? Who has actually owned and operated a business? On Labor’s side no one put their hand up; there was silence. Some of them said they have worked in business, but on this side, over half of our people have owned and operated a business. It is different to working for private enterprise; you have to own one.

This Home Improvement Scheme embodies our values in this budget, which are community and prosperity in the Territory. The initiative will see Territory home owners-occupiers receive vouchers up to $2000 to go towards minor home improvements and repairs and maintenance, keeping the work flowing for tradies.

This is a win-win situation for Territorians as it also enables Territory homeowners to start on all the improvements they have been meaning to do around their home for a long time: replace those burnt orange benchtops in the kitchen, the lime green drawers and things like that. The vouchers are deliberately small in value because this is about the bigger picture.

The vouchers are issued with the condition that those works are undertaken by local small businesses and the homeowner contributes at least the same amount to the project. This is about keeping it local. Those on my side will get sick of me talking about our Buy Local campaign, which is about looking after Territorians and their families. I reiterate that this is about employing local Territorians, families and tradies.

The activity is expected to pick up in the longer term, but in the short term the Home Improvement Scheme will keep work flowing to small businesses in the building, construction and home maintenance industries over the next 12 months. Budget 2016-17 is good news for small businesses and tradies.

Territorians have a very clear choice when it comes to the next Territorian election – responsible economic management by the Country Liberals government committed to stimulating activity and generating work and jobs for Territorians and their families.

Madam Speaker, please make no mistake; Territory Labor has no plan, except ours, and no idea, and is committed only to driving away investment, stifling and trying to destroy jobs.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016