Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr WOOD - 2014-05-07

Yesterday you spoke about transparency in election donations. To back up what you said, could you please tell parliament whether Foundation 51, whether it is a private company or not, contributed to the Blain by-election - either to the candidate or the party - and what was the amount contributed? Is it not possible that businesses or individuals who want to contribute to the CLP and remain anonymous can use Foundation 51 as a front to achieve it, meaning the party can sidestep election donation disclosure rules?


Madam Speaker, I am not sure if the member for Nelson heard a couple of my first answers. There is no direct connection or legal link between Foundation 51 and the party. How the Blain by-election was funded is a matter for the party. The party ran the election, not anyone on this side of the Chamber, so I suggest you put your question to the party or Foundation 51.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016