Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr WESTRA van HOLTHE - 2016-05-26

Budget 2016-17 outlines some exciting and game-changing initiatives for the Northern Territory. These ideas come from a government that has vision for a better, stronger, smarter, more prosperous Northern Territory.

Can the Chief Minister please update the House on what the government is doing to improve fuel security in the Northern Territory?


Madam Speaker, that is a good question. In the Northern Territory we probably have about five days’ worth of fuel. If you cut off the fuel supply for five days we will not have fuel for aircrafts, trucks, power or anything like that.

We import about 630 million barrels of diesel each year, which equates to about 11 000 barrels a day. In the budget we put $500 000 aside to help a study for a gas-to-liquid plant, turning our onshore gas into synthetic diesel, which burns cleaner and greener than the diesel we import.

A small facility can produce about 5000 barrels per day, almost half of what we are using now. Our initial thoughts were to build maybe 40 km south of Tennant Creek, or in Alice Springs or Darwin. Tennant Creek is the most logical choice.

I know Labor is opposed to gas, but we are supporting a highly-regulated environmentally-supportive environment. We can also help secure the energy requirements of the Northern Territory, plus keep petrol prices down. Make no mistake, this investment will keep petrol prices down.

This is just another plan the government has. We are supporting the gas industry, supporting keeping fuel and house prices down, and supporting the horticultural industry, the agricultural industry and the cattle industry. I have just been told today that Labor will impose another live cattle ban should they take government. It is a tragedy. Their problem is that their focus on things other than the economy and jobs in the Northern Territory.

We are busy working, making sure our economy is strong, our budget is balanced and we have a soft position at the back end of INPEX. Now is not the time to see a change of government. If you want to see a reduction in confidence in our economy, that is what a change of government will do. Now is the time to stay the course, recognise the economic diversification we have in the Territory and see its full implementation over the next four years. A change of government will do nothing but reduce confidence in the whole of the Northern Territory, both in the community sector and the economic sector.

While Labor is busy fighting about who will take the next Senate spot – will it be Kon Vatskalis, Malarndirri McCarthy, Ursula Raymond or Cathryn Tilmouth – we will get on and do the job, and stand up for the Northern Territory. What you are talking about doing will completely erode confidence in the Northern Territory and send us backwards by more than 10 years.

Mr ELFERINK (Leader of Government Business): Madam Speaker, I ask that further questions be placed on the Written Question Paper.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016