Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr GUNNER - 2014-03-25

Will you provide bipartisan support, in this sittings period, for the introduction of legislation which will provide critical coverage to our hard working firefighters who are battling cancer as a result of their careers protecting the lives of Territorians?

Since I introduced this legislation last August, your own consultants have said they support the principle of the legislation. Three former firefighters have tragically died due to cancer. Firefighters are battling cancer today. The opposition is asking for your bipartisan support to introduce our legislation in this sittings period. Would you support the introduction of my private member’s bill, the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Amendment (Fire-Fighters) Bill tomorrow and allow suspension of Standing Orders in notices today to clear the way for its introduction?


Madam Speaker, I support the principle of the legislation the member for Fannie Bay discusses. I have supported it from day one when it was first brought in.

Mr Gunner interjecting.

Mr GILES: I will give you a fair and reasonable answer, shadow minister. I have said we need to have a fair and reasonable look at it. It is the first time …

Members interjecting.

Mr GILES: It is a serious issue. Firefighters and their health concerns are serious.

Ms Lawrie: Do something then. You have had enough time.

Mr GILES: I would not be interjecting on such a serious matter. We said we will look at it. There has been a Senate inquiry in Canberra. Two other jurisdictions in the country have had a serious look at this. There has been a lot of work done in the US and overseas in relation to this same issue. I had a discussion about it with the Minister for Business when you first raised it because this legislation comes under his portfolio. He will give you a further update in a second.

What David and I have discussed, both in government and personally, is to not only look at the firefighters in this frame. Let us see what other occupations this can seriously look at, which is what our consultants and the review have undertaken. We will have a proposal on how to move forward in the near future. The Minister for Business will give you an update.

The concerns of those firefighters are at the forefront of our minds. It is not a political issue for us, or something we should be interjecting on and trying to score political points with. We will be moving towards a supportive environment.

As I said at the outset of answering this question, the principles of what you are trying to do are fully supported by me and this government.

Mr TOLLNER (Business): Madam Speaker, I thank the Chief Minister. The Chief Minister is right; we are undertaking a comprehensive review of the entirety of work health acts. The issue of firefighters sits squarely in the middle of this. I heard interjections coming across the floor, ‘What other occupations’ and the like.

For the benefit of members opposite, you must be aware presumptive legislation applies for a number of occupations, most notably in the health area, where you have doctors and nurses who may or may not contract HIV. There is a presumption this is occurring through their work. The onus of proof is reliant upon the employer or the insurer to suggest it has not happened through their work. This is a case of presumptive legislation for other occupations; it is not just about firefighters.

Mr GUNNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! We have 15 seconds left and I want to know if they would support a suspension of standing orders today to allow the introduction of the bill tomorrow.

Madam SPEAKER: That is not a point of order.

Mr TOLLNER: As I said, there is a comprehensive review happening of all the work health acts. This is the first time in 30 years any such review has taken place and it is only fair time is given for the review to be completed.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016