Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr GUNNER - 2013-08-28

Madam Speaker, I seek leave to table an answer to question on notice no 7.7 from the Estimates Committee hearings which confirms the CLP is slashing funding to students with special needs.

Leave granted.

Mr GUNNER: The document says this funding is provided to schools to purchase specialist equipment and to run programs for disabled students. You are slashing it by $280 000. This is mean. Your priorities are wrong. Will you reverse your cuts for students with special needs?


Madam Speaker, this government has had to make quite a few savings initiatives across the board. It comes down to the fiscal position this government was left in.

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. You found $300 000 for a golf club yet have taken $280 000 out of special needs.

Madam SPEAKER: There is no point of order. Be seated. Minister, you have the call.

Mr CHANDLER: Again, this comes down to the nub of resources. What the mob over there fails to recognise is the fiscal position the government was left with coming into office. They also want us to sign up to the Gonski model. This puts it all into context. They believe our savings measures will lead to tragic things. The unions are saying we are closing schools ...

Mr GUNNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. The question was not about Gonski. It was: why are you cutting funding to students with special needs?

Madam SPEAKER: The minister has the call. He can answer the question and has three minutes to do so.

Mr CHANDLER: Madam Speaker, if we were to listen to the opposition and sign up to the Gonski model, in 2014 Adelaide River School would lose $269 000, Alawa Primary School would lose $1m …

Mr GUNNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. It was not about Adelaide River School or Gonski. It is about why you are cutting funding for students with special needs.

Mr CHANDLER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! This is relevant because it is about resources.

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Fannie Bay, as I said before, the minister has three minutes to answer the question any way he sees fit.

Minister, you have the call. There is no point of order.

Mr CHANDLER: I get back to resources. I have a list of schools that would lose money if we signed up to Gonski. Imagine how much we would have to cut from special needs if we signed up to that model. You should be …

Mr GUNNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. At no stage in my question did I mention Gonski. My question was about the $280 000 that has been cut from funds for students with special needs. Will he reverse that cut?

Madam SPEAKER: As I said, member for Fannie Bay, the minister has the call and three minutes to answer the question.

Minister, you have the call.

Mr CHANDLER: They do not want to listen to the truth, Madam Speaker.

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Nhulunbuy, cease interjecting!
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016