Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr CONLAN - 2016-05-25

Can you please update the House on how the government’s commitment to investing in school infrastructure is being demonstrated in Budget 2016-17?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Greatorex for his question. The government has shown an ongoing commitment into ensuring young Territorians have access to high-quality educational facilities. The Country Liberals’ targeted infrastructure program caters for the growing demand for enrolment places in government and non-government schools, and ensures young Territorians have access to high-quality education facilities.

Budget 2016-17 delivers on the government’s commitment to building better schools. This year $21.2m has been provided to support the construction of a catholic primary school in Zuccoli on a site to be shared with a future government primary school.

Labor does not support the non-government sector; you can clearly see that with their rhetoric in the last few days.

There are many parents who send their children to schools that are non-government. They would be very interested to know about the lack of support Labor has for the non-government sector. An amount of $10m has been allocated to stage one of Taminmin College, the master plan for a new two-storey, state-of-the-art – there are eight laboratories within it. It is a wonder Labor is supporting us on that as well.

The Chief Minister will join me in saying how proud we are to invest $3.13m to complete the $7.16m Braitling Primary School – the early childhood precinct. That would not happen under a Labor government. It turned its back on Alice Springs many years ago. This is another example of this government’s commitment to early years’ education. Even Labor is starting to get that it is an important area.

This budget has also committed $4.5m for a multipurpose hall at Ramingining School. The facility will also support the community as a cyclone shelter. I am sure they will have to agree that is a good idea. Angurugu School recently suffered from significant damage from fire. This budget has allocated $4.5m to replace the fire-damaged building. That building had been recently upgraded; it houses their nutrition program.

Ms Fyles: Insurance money would cover that.

Mr CHANDLER: There is the wisdom. You have just seen the wisdom.

The Country Liberal government’s commitment to education infrastructure is also providing $68.5m to education projects under the Boosting our Economy package. Unlike Labor – I heard the Opposition Leader say loud and clear yesterday, $300 000 splashed around, splash the cash.

These guys talk about Gonski and needs-based funding. You cannot have it both ways, member for Fannie Bay. Either you go with a needs-based funding model or you splash the cash. It is obvious they want a seat in both chairs. We are needs-based funding …

Ms Lawrie: A seat in both chairs?

Mr CHANDLER: That is right. It is a big cut from what we want to provide into schools – compared to the way the Country Liberals are supporting education in the Territory.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016