Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr McCARTHY - 2012-12-06

Yesterday, your former CLP candidate for Barkly, Rebecca Healy, took to Facebook to slam your government over cuts to firefighters in Tennant Creek. She said she had tried to speak to six different Cabinet ministers but she does not know why she bothers. Why are you, as Treasurer, cutting firefighters in Tennant Creek? If you will not consult with your own candidates what hope does the rest of the community have?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Barkly for his question. As far as consulting with former candidates, the dialogue is open as far as I am concerned. I will talk to anyone about anything, including the former candidates and union delegates, member for Fannie Bay. My door is reasonably open. I am a little busy at the moment, but I will make time to talk to anyone.

Regarding the fire officer positions at Tennant Creek, there has been no reduction, to my knowledge, to the level of staffing in the fire service at Tennant Creek. I could be informed otherwise, but there is nothing I recall in the budget to that effect ...

Mr McCARTHY: A point of order, Madam Speaker! The question put to you is that you have been informed by a previous candidate.

Madam SPEAKER: There is no point of order.

Mrs LAMBLEY: Madam Speaker, further information which has come to hand on the question of the police numbers, 120 new police positions this new government has ...

Mr McCARTHY: A point of order, Madam Speaker! The minister is answering my question. I would like her to finish answering that question before she goes on to explain an answer to another question.

Madam SPEAKER: There is no point of order.

Mrs LAMBLEY: These new positions will be on top of any redeployment from civilian to front line, so we honour our election commitments in the 120 extra police officers.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016