Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr CONLAN - 2015-06-17

I note that the Leader of the Opposition, since coming to office, constantly talks down the economy of the Northern Territory, notwithstanding the $6bn which has just been invested into all corners of the Northern Territory. He cherry picks and highlights individual cases to support his flimsy argument. Can the Treasurer educate the House on the true state of the Northern Territory economy?


Madam Speaker, I thank the fabulous member for Greatorex for his question. He is correct; as much as I can say I like and am quite friendly with the Opposition Leader, he has this habit of talking down the Territory economy. He has adopted the tactic of cherry picking statistics. It is sad because it undermines confidence in the Territory economy. What is he saying also happens to be completely wrong.

In response to the member for Greatorex, our economy grew by 6.5% in 2013-14. That is astounding. This was the highest growth rate of all states and territories across the nation. Deloitte Access Economics forecasts that growth in the Territory will continue to outpace all other jurisdictions over the next five years. In the March quarter for 2015 the Territory recorded the strongest growth in state final demand in Australia. State final demand increased by 6.7% to $30.6bn. Retail spending was also steady in April at $256m.

We also saw the largest increase in vehicle sales of any jurisdiction in Australia for May at 0.8%. I mention that because that is bad news for the Opposition Leader. It is great news for the Territory, however. Last month the Opposition Leader was in the media talking down our economy again, saying it was in crisis because car sales had dipped in April. This is what you call cherry picking statistics. We have the largest increase in vehicle sales of any jurisdiction in the nation, yet the Opposition Leader feels it is his right and obligation to cherry pick those statistics.

We have one of the lowest unemployment rates, at 4.5%, the second-lowest in Australia. Our economy is clearly outperforming the rest of the nation. We are determined to ensure it stays strong. The Chief Minister and others on this side of the House have been working hard to diversify the economy, to make sure there are jobs for Indigenous Territorians especially …

Mr GUNNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. Will you apologise to Sandra Lew Fatt for putting her out of business?

Madam SPEAKER: Sit down, that is not a point of order.

Mr TOLLNER: I will not even respond to that. This year we are spending $1.4bn in the economy, putting in place essential infrastructure - roads, bridges and those types of things. This government has a plan for the economy and we are doing well.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016