Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MOSS - 2016-05-26

Your government has released a mental health strategy and a suicide prevention strategy, but your budget shows less funding for mental health. The Territory has the worst mental health and suicide rates in the nation. How will you implement your plans and strategies with reduced funding in the mental health budget?


Madam Speaker, I heard the allegation of a reduction of money, and I would like the member to point out the page number of Budget Paper No 3 so she can refer to the line item, because I do not believe her.

Here we go again with assertions made by members opposite. The last time we had a member opposite quoting numbers from the budget paper she got it wrong. Now we find them saying, ‘You’ve just done this so how do you explain it?’ I do not trust you. These things need to be examined.

We spent a lot of money in the last financial year building the first-ever inpatient service for juvenile mental health recipients. This Chief Minister created the first Minister for Mental Health Services in the Northern Territory.

Ms Walker interjecting.

Mr Chandler interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Brennan …

Mr CHANDLER: I was just repeating what I heard.

Madam SPEAKER: Don’t be a smart aleck. Apologise for those comments; withdraw them.

Mr CHANDLER: I withdraw exactly what I heard.

Mr GUNNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! The minister, in withdrawing, said he was referring to exactly what he heard. The minister made barking noises. No one else in this Chamber made barking noises but the minister, and he should withdraw. He was inferring that the member was barking.

Madam SPEAKER: As I understand it, Opposition Leader, the minister withdrew his comments.

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 110: relevance. In Budget Paper No 3, Department of Health, page 163 does show a reduction in mental health funding and the commentary below it does not explain it.

Mr ELFERINK: Madam Speaker, there is the former Treasurer, who at least, to her enormous credit, knows her way around a budget book. If you look at the line items you will see footnote two, which I encourage you to read because it talks about cuts to Commonwealth funding.

This is a deliberate and mischievous attempt to mislead the people of the Northern Territory, and whose shoulders does she stand on to do so? Those of the mentally unwell. To create fear in the community by asking this sort of question is the reprehensible behaviour we have learnt to expect from this lot opposite.

While in opposition these people have been prepared to use the most vulnerable as the platform on which they promote themselves.

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 110: relevance. The footnote talks about the transfer of funds from the alcohol and other drugs program; it has nothing to do with the mental health reductions.

Madam SPEAKER: That is not a point of order. Member for Greatorex, you have the call.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016