Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs FINOCCHIARO - 2015-12-03

Last week we commemorated White Ribbon Day, with many functions across the Territory acknowledging the action being taken by many in reducing domestic violence. What work is being done by the Northern Territory government in reducing domestic violence?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Drysdale for this very important question. I will start by noting that there was never any plan under a Labor government to provide a practical solution to reduce the statistics of domestic violence. They never put the most vulnerable first. There are those who talk about it, and those who are doing it.

Ms Walker: Who wrote that for you, Bess? Honestly.

Mrs PRICE: Here we go again.

Madam SPEAKER: Order! Minister, if you could just answer the question.

Mrs PRICE: We have not been soft on crime or domestic violence. I am very pleased to update the House that in the last year, from August 2014 to August 2015, the reduction has been as follows: across the Northern Territory, domestic violence assault offences have decreased by 9%; Darwin decreased by 6%; Palmerston decreased by 18%; Alice Springs decreased by 2%; Katherine decreased by 22%; and Tennant Creek decreased by 50%. This is an amazing effort by more than 120 organisations which are being supported to deliver frontline services through the Safety is Everyone’s Right strategy. It is a great response.

Last week there were many celebrations on the success and action taken to reduce domestic violence as part of White Ribbon Day. I spent the day acknowledging where action has been taken and encouraging further efforts

I attended a touching event with the Healing Foundation at Charles Darwin University, where Aboriginal men from Wurrumiyanga, Maningrida and Ngukurr have taken the matter into their own hands, and developed resources and programs with the support of the Office of Men’s Policy. I was presented with an evaluation report. This program is innovative and is built from the grassroots up.

The Office of Men’s Policy has been working across the Territory, partnering with organisations like Aboriginal Resource and Development Services, ARDS, and an Alice Springs Aboriginal male cultural heritage integrated role model leadership program to develop and roll out the nation’s first domestic violence reduction strategy in local Aboriginal languages. It might be offensive to the member for Nhulunbuy, but they are in language.

This government has tackled this important issue head on, and I acknowledge the hard work and effort of the directorate …

Ms FYLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 33; that comment was unnecessary and offensive to the member for Nhulunbuy.

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Nhulunbuy, do you find it offensive?

Ms WALKER: I am not offended, but if the member is speaking in language I would appreciate an English translation.

Madam SPEAKER: Thank you. Minister, please continue.

Mrs PRICE: This government has tackled this very important issue head on. I acknowledge the hard work and effort of the Domestic Violence Directorate in receiving a Chief Minister's public sector award for its work in leading the nation. The Country Liberal government is about action, not just talk. The figures speak for themselves, and we are not finished yet. We are leading the nation on domestic violence and we are the first jurisdiction to sign up to Our Watch.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016