Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr KURRUPUWU - 2014-03-26

Three public sector groups have recently signed up to a new EBA. Why does the Australian Education Union continue to reject the Commissioner for Public Employment’s current offer?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Arafura for his question. This is an important issue for the teachers, students and parents of the Northern Territory. The public service, Power and Water workers and medical staff have signed up to the government’s proposals regarding pay and entitlements over the next few years.

There are other negotiations on foot at the moment. Those are proceeding well and we look forward with optimism to those negotiations proceeding. Unfortunately, the Australian Education Union continues to hold a position contrary to the interests of its members and the students of the Northern Territory.

The offer made to the Australian Education Union is the equivalent, for the average teacher, of $95 per fortnight in their pay packets. They have now foregone a substantial amount of money at the advice of the Australian Education Union executive. This is the same executive which is now throwing $15 000 of union membership money into the private election campaign of one Matthew Cranitch.

We have seen the attitude of the rank and file union members when it comes to people like Craig Thomson and the misuse of union funds. However, the executive of the union has decided to support Matthew Cranitch, which in no way advances the cause of teachers in the Northern Territory.

The Northern Territory government’s EBA negotiations with teachers are about pay and entitlements. We are trying to make Northern Territory teachers either the second best or best paid teachers in the country ...

Ms Lawrie: No resources in schools for them. Sacking 150 teachers a year.

Ms Fyles: There will be less of them.

Mr ELFERINK: I pick up on the interjection. Once again, it is dishonest and disingenuous, but we have come to expect this from the members opposite. They simply cannot bring themselves to tell the truth.

As far as we are concerned, as a government, we want to make the Territory’s teachers amongst the best paid in the country because the evidence demonstrates well-paid teachers produce good results. Unfortunately, the Australian Education Union continues to misinform its members. That misinformation was the reason they were told they could not take industrial action for three months. Yet, they persist. I plead with the Australian Education Union to come forward and sign up to the EBA.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016