Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr GUNNER - 2016-02-11

An e-mail tabled in parliament yesterday between you and your current partner shows you were contemplating and taking active steps to purchase shares in the CT Group as early as February 2015, a full eight months before you apparently recognised it might not be a bright idea. During these eight months you had a multitude of dealings with the same company in your official capacity as a minister of the Crown.

What do you understand by the term ‘conflict of interest’? How is it possible that you did not declare a conflict of interest at any time in those eight months? Do these facts not call into question every action and decision you have made regarding the CT Group during those eight months?


Madam Speaker, no.

I have said numerous times now, both in the House and in the media, that I had completely separated my duties as a minister from my personal and private matters whilst dealing with the CT Group or any other entity in Vietnam or Indonesia. Therefore, there is no conflict of interest.

I do not know how many times I have to say this in the parliament so those opposite understand.

We are hearing the Leader of the Opposition’s tainted view, his personal opinion that he would like to be broadly accepted in the Northern Territory community.

There are allegations, unfounded in many cases, being spread all around the place. The net result is another wasted Question Time with the Leader of the Opposition asking me the same questions he asked in Question Time yesterday ...

Ms FYLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 110: relevance. This is a clear and direct question. The facts call into question every action you took over eight months. Answer the question!

Madam SPEAKER: It is not a point of order.

Mr WESTRA van HOLTHE: I repeat for the benefit of those opposite that I desisted, of my own motion, in making any investments with the CT Group as it would have created a conflict of interest to the point where my position as the minister for Primary Industry would be, at best, difficult and possibly untenable. Therefore, I desisted.

My work as a minister of the Crown in pursuing agribusiness opportunities for the Northern Territory and improving our economy through the growth of our agricultural sector is far more important to me than any private investments I might make.

Therefore, despite what the Leader of the Opposition would have people believe with his one-sided tainted opinion, there is no conflict of interest.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016