Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs LAMBLEY - 2016-05-24

In your media release this morning the top two highlights of the budget were described as $50m to expand the Owen Springs Power Station – in February you issued a media release saying you would upgrade the power station to the tune of $75m, so this is a $25m reduction – and $20m for two skywalk adventure tourism experiences. I cannot find anywhere in the budget papers where that $20m is mentioned. Could you clarify those matters for me please?


Madam Speaker, the $100m announced earlier on this year to upgrade the Owen Springs Power Station, closing Ron Goodin Power Station, and the Tennant Creek Power Station – there is an amount of $50m coming out of the port proceeds and the other $50m is coming out of Territory Generation. The skywalk money is in the budget and I am happy to show you which page.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016