Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr GUNNER - 2016-02-11

You undertook official government travel to Vietnam on 15 August to meet with the CT Group at a cost to the taxpayer of $2000 plus $300 in entertainment expenses. Yesterday you refused to rule out discussing your plans to invest over $0.5m in a project by the CT Group and were only prepared to talk about the purpose of your official meeting with the company. Did you at any time on this trip engage in discussion regarding your planned purchase of $570 000 worth of shares in a CT Group development? Yes or no?


Madam Speaker, the relationship the Northern Territory government and the Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries has with the CT Group is a very important one. The CT Group expressed an interest, in 2014 if my memory serves right, on expanding its operations of growing dragon fruit into the Northern Territory. That expansion was expected by the CT Group to be in the order of some 10 000 ha once they went to full production. They chose the Northern Territory because we are a friendly neighbour to Southeast Asia. We have …

Ms FYLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Answer the question, yes or no.

Madam SPEAKER: No, it is not a point of order. The member has three minutes to answer the question.

Mr WESTRA van HOLTHE: The CT Group chose the Northern Territory because we are a friendly neighbour to Southeast Asia and we are a government that is willing to work very hard on expanding opportunities for the agribusiness sector here, not only for growing our local industries but allowing private investment from overseas as well.

We have been very welcoming of that company and the project it wants to undertake. An enormous amount of work has been put in, particularly by the department of Primary Industry, after a project facilitation agreement was signed 18 or so months ago with the CT Group to bring it here and help it out. We have continued to do that.

Part of the work we are doing with the CT Group is done at the Primary Industry department level, and the rest is done at ministerial level to make sure the relationship is strong …

Ms FYLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 110. With less than 60 seconds to go, answer the question. Is it yes or no? Why will you not answer?

Madam SPEAKER: It is not a point of order. Minister, you have the call.

Mr WESTRA van HOLTHE: A part of what we have to do at ministerial level is ensure there is a direct line of communication between the company and the government. I, as the Primary Industry minister, make sure I am satisfied that we, as a government, and the department I have responsibility for, are doing everything we can to facilitate that investment. I meet with the CT Group and conduct those discussions when I am on official travel …

Ms FYLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker!

Madam SPEAKER: It is not a point of order. He has time to answer the question.

Mr WESTRA van HOLTHE: When I am on official travel I meet with the CT Group to establish whether there is anything further we can do. On the trip the Leader of the Opposition is referring to, I met with the CT Group to discuss the dragon fruit project.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016