Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr WOOD - 2014-08-28

The Northern Territory branch of the International Association of Hydrogeologists said this to the fracking inquiry:
    In the next 25 years, tens of thousands of new unconventional gas wells may be drilled in the NT. IAH(NT) believes the potential exists for contamination of aquifers and surface waters should well integrity be compromised, and/or ‘produce’ water surface storage facilities fail. We are concerned that the deterioration and failure of improperly decommissioned (also known as ‘abandoned’) wells could, over time; result in long-term release of oil and/or gas into the environment.

I try to keep an open mind on fracking, but regardless of your views or mine, do you agree it looks silly for a government to, on one hand, set up an inquiry into fracking and hear statements I have read, but on the other hand allow new wells to be drilled before the inquiry has released its findings? Does it not beg the question; will the government ignore the findings of the inquiry if the recommendations do not suit the government’s support for gas exploration?

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, please pause for a moment while I welcome some students. Honourable members, I advise of the presence in the gallery of Year 5/6 classes from Driver Primary School accompanied by Ruth Billeter and Carlene Blumberg. On behalf of honourable members, welcome to Parliament House and I hope you enjoy your time here.

Members: Hear, hear!


Madam Speaker, I appreciate the question from the member for Nelson. In some regard he is right. As a team, talking about protecting our environment and doing something about it, we have taken some practical measures to get to the bottom of some of the issues facing hydraulic fracturing.

The issue has created a lot of angst in the community, and lobby groups are doing their darnedest to put out incorrect information. Like you and many other people, we are genuinely interested in identifying the risks and what we can do to mitigate them. That is why this government called on an inquiry. Hydraulic fracturing – or fracking - has been done in the Northern Territory for many years. The former Labor government spoke a lot about their environmental credentials, but I could go through a list of things they mucked up seriously, which we have had to fix.

In eleven-and-a-half years of government, not once did they hold any inquiry like this. It took a Country Liberals government to have the courage to take on something that is, and could be, a double-edged sword. You are right, there were very broad terms of reference, which we worked hard on to ensure we would have the broadest inquiry possible. We hunted around the country to find a person who would be as independent as possible from any government - a man who has worked for Labor and conservative parties. We found the right person and the right terms of reference to dig down and look at the myths and facts surrounding the risks. This Country Liberals government took on that inquiry to find out the truth.

Ms Fyles: Will you release the findings publicly?

Mr CHANDLER: The inquiry and the results will be released; that was said up front in regard to this inquiry, but let us unpack for one moment. Some of the things the Labor government did in regard to …

Mr WOOD: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. Will the government ignore the findings of the inquiry if the recommendations do not suit the government support?

Mr Giles: Wait until we get the inquiry.

Mr WOOD: I need the answer; I have not received an answer.

Mr CHANDLER: We do not know the outcome of the inquiry. I do not want to pre-empt the inquiry, it would be wrong. Unlike the former Labor government, we do not like to interfere with process, and this is an open, honest inquiry to find out the facts, the risks to our environment and how we can put robust regulations in place so our environment is protected for the long term.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016