Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr VOWLES - 2016-05-26

Labor has a plan that will boost recreational fishing in the Northern Territory. Labor will provide $50m over our first term to build fishing infrastructure across the Northern Territory. This includes upgrading the Channel Island boat ramp; upgrading the Middle Arm boat ramp and car park; implementing a long-term program of building artificial reefs and installing fish attraction devices; increasing land fishing platforms in residential areas; providing improved facilities for disabled anglers and children; and providing extensive CCTV for the Dinah Beach boat ramp. You have made no pledges to recreational fishers. Will you now endorse Labor’s recreational fishing policy?


Madam Speaker, just because it is my birthday, and Natasha’s, does not mean I have to get all the questions. I suppose when you have all the experience that is what happens.

Member for Johnston, you might be a cricketer but I do not know when you last went fishing. The poor member for Fannie Bay and his putt-putt with all the money floating out the back – I suppose he has never been on a dirt road because they stop at Coolalinga.

This side has spent a lot of money building roads. Look at the amount of road money we have spent just in my electorate. It so happens that all the fishing places are in my electorate. We have done all the work on the Arnhem Highway so people can get out there. We spent a lot of money updating the Corroboree road. We are getting the loop road round through Litchfield and the Fog Bay Road – we built some bridges there, and the biggest problem they have is people from Darwin driving out on weekends disturbing their peace. It is a sealed road giving people access to places like Dundee. What are we doing there? We are spending money on a boat ramp.

These are the things you need to do in this area, not just say, ‘We’ll give you $50m. Give us a wish list.’ We talk about a billion dollar Bill; here is million dollar Michael. We have to put things into proportion.

This government has done a lot for fishing in the Territory. Look at the advisory committees we have. We have the recreational fishing committee, and we have protocols in place for shared resources. All these things help the fishing industry and make sure it is sustainable.

Throwing millions of dollars at something does not look after the environment. You need to take a balanced view of it. Building artificial reefs just anywhere does not work. You cannot just dump concrete pipes in the bottom of the ocean. That does not create a breeding location for fish.

Mr VOWLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 110. Is that a yes to endorsing our Labor recreational fishing policy and our massive $50m investment?

Madam SPEAKER: Sit down; it is not a point of order.

Mr HIGGINS: No, I do not support a cash splash.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016