Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms FYLES - 2014-11-27

This year will go down in history as the year of the CLP dodgy deal. There have been serious questions that you have refused to answer about water allocations, land deals, and the dodgiest of all, Foundation 51. The activities of this CLP slush fund cast a cloud over your government and our justice system.

Under pressure over a clear conflict of interest, Foundation 51 director, Graeme Lewis, resigned from his position as Chair of the Land Development Corporation Advisory Board. Following revelations on questionable donations …

Members interjecting.

Ms FYLES: … to the CLP, Foundation 51 director, Peter Maley, resigned …

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order! Member for Nightcliff, please pause. Honourable members, I remind you of Standing Order 51:
    No Member may converse aloud or make any noise or disturbance, which in the opinion of the Speaker is designed to interrupt or has the effect of interrupting a Member speaking.

I know it is the last day of sittings for the year, but a little bit of silence is in order, please.

Ms FYLES: Following revelations about questionable donations to the CLP, Foundation 51 director, Peter Maley, resigned from the office of magistrate.

Chief Minister, will you end the year on the right note by finally taking steps to have an inquiry into Foundation 51 for serious breaches of our law?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Nightcliff for her question.

We need an inquiry to look at how we have achieved such success in two years, how we have moved to an operational surplus to be a full three years ahead of budget in the Northern Territory, while diversifying the pastoral industry, fixing tourism, addressing drunks, achieving more housing and land release than ever before, helping criminals and helping people in homelands. All of this has been going on, and we get negativity on the other side. We hear the stuff about assets today because you do not understand it. I will educate a few people who may be listening.

Today we will introduce some legislation to bring more investment into the port. People may not remember that when CDU first started Labor was opposed to it. We support CDU; it was a great investment by a previous Country Liberals government, but Labor opposed it.

Some may remember the Darwin to Alice Springs railway line. It was very happily opened by Clare Martin, but opposed by Labor.

Ms FYLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! I asked a very direct question about an inquiry into Foundation 51.

Mr GILES: Do you remember building the Sheraton in Alice Springs? Labor opposed it. When we sold it they opposed that too.

Ms Fyles: What are you hiding?

Ms Lawrie: You are avoiding the question.

Mr GILES: Madam Speaker, can I get a bit of peace from over there?

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr GILES: Building the resort at Uluru was opposed by Labor, as was selling it.

Ms FYLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! I know the Chief Minister wants to talk about resorts because he needs a holiday, but Territorians want to know when he will hold an inquiry into Foundation 51.

Mr GILES: Uluru is one of our greatest tourist attractions. It was built, developed, supported, disposed of and allowed to free up by the Country Liberals – all opposed by Labor. I think back to the times when Uluru and the resort were being built, and I think about the alternate tourism opportunities then. All I can remember is Mike and Mal – Ask the Leyland Brothers. That is the opposition’s proposal.

Ms FYLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! With 30 seconds to go, we do not need an historical lesson on the Leyland brothers. Answer the question. When will we have an inquiry?

Madam SPEAKER: It is not a point of order.

Mr GILES: ‘Ask the Leyland brothers, Mike and Mal’ is the proposal for tourism from the Labor opposition. That would have to be their only tourism policy, maybe created in the TARDIS under the old Doctor Who regime, which is now being cut by the ABC. Mike and Mal should represent previous days in tourism policy, not today’s events.

Ms FYLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker!

Madam SPEAKER: No, the Chief Minister has concluded.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016