Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr McCARTHY - 2016-02-09

You seem like a compassionate man. Your economic policies are hurting real Territorians, who are voicing their concerns. Unfortunately, real Territorians are leaving in their droves from Gove, Darwin and Alice Springs.

Donna from Totally Workwear told ABC yesterday that grown men are crying because they cannot get work, some people are overcommitted and others just want to put food on the table.

Do you still think we are doing so very well? When will you start listening to these Territorians? What will you do about it? When will you readjust your economic policy?


Madam Speaker, the first thing I thought the member for Barkly would ask about the 300 jobs in the jobs plan for people in Tennant Creek? What about the people in Tennant Creek who want a job to put food on the table? What are you doing for them?

The first thing you should be doing is talking to the Leader of the Opposition and getting him to reverse the Labor policy on getting rid of gas, because that is where the jobs will start. Then there are the other 6000 jobs. There is also all the transport. What about the transport involved in the gas industry? Well, the stuff that will …

Ms FYLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 110: relevance. It was a very direct question and we want to hear the answer. When will you start listening to Territorians?

Madam SPEAKER: Thank you, member for Nightcliff.

Mr STYLES: For Territorians this means, when the Leader of the Opposition gets his way and has his gas moratorium, we will be turning the electricity off in Tennant Creek, Alice Springs and Yulara because there will be no gas to power the stations that give them their electricity.

What about businesses in Tennant Creek? We will not be able to manufacture anything, do anything or conduct any business there because there will not be any power. If you go to Tennant Creek in the night time the lights will be off; they will be in the dark. The first thing you should be asking about is your leader’s policy turning the lights off in Tennant Creek. It is a joke!

You talk about listening to people. We have listened. We have changed the procurement processes. Because you were not paying attention to the previous question, I have to remind you of the CommSec report:
    The Territory is still performing strongly in a range of indicators ranking first in construction work … and second for economic growth, business and investment and unemployment.

Does that tell you something? We are at the top in this country. If you think it is bad, it is; we have a problem. I will get to that in a moment.

People are coming from interstate because there is not much happening there. What happens? Because we are running a good economy, more people are coming here.

You talk about people leaving. I have been in the Territory nearly 35 years and I have seen people leave under different governments. However, we are still building houses and people are still moving here. What are we doing with the houses in …

Members interjecting.

Mr STYLES: You want schools in Bellamack. You want infrastructure because people are still coming here because the job opportunities are here.

We are running a good economy, but there are always issues and people who are suffering. In the next few weeks there will be some announcements in relation to some changes.

Let me talk about procurement. We inherited from the Labor government a system that was not working. The Leader of the Opposition said when he gets into government he will have a summit which all business people will attend. What he should be doing is talking to them now, not waiting until he reckons he will get into government. He should be talking to them ...

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016